Get those photo's to the church by midnight tonight via email [email protected], Facebook or YG members can text Heather! Ready, set GO!
This will be a blast from the past for anyone who grew up in the 80's or earlier. Most of the target audience will have no idea but the words ring true still today. So take a listen. You may have to skip through some ads.
• What's great about your circumstances right now? • What's not so great about your circumstances right now? • Do you know anyone who has experienced joy in the midst of difficult circumstances? Tell us about them. How did that person impact you through their example? • When you're unhappy or exhausted, how do you find joy? • Who is God to you? What did you write? • Read Hebrews 13:8. How can this verse help us find joy? • What has God done for you? What did you write? • Who do you know who needs to experience joy? • Do you think sharing your joy can help you find more joy? How? • What's one way you're going to share your joy this week?
• Talk about a time you wanted to be or feel unique. • Which one of these is most difficult for you: knowing your role, fulfilling your role, or supporting others' roles? Why? • Talk about a time you used your unique gifts to serve someone. • How might using your gifts to serve others benefit you? • Choose someone in this room. What is one of their unique gifts? • What are some of your unique gifts that weren't mentioned? • Let's go around the room. Together, let's help each other brainstorm ways we can use our unique gifts to serve others. • Did this conversation spark any new ideas that you're excited about? • Read Romans 12:3-5. What else can we learn and apply from Paul's words here? • What's one thing you're going to do this week to use your gifts to serve others?
• What's your favorite convenience? In what way does it cost someone something? • Have you ever ignored someone who was in need? What happened? • If you had helped that person, how would it have inconvenienced you? If you could go back in time, what would you do differently? • How could you be more open-handed with your time? • How could you be more open-handed with your money? • Is there anyone you've been ignoring because of the differences between you? What are those differences? • How could you be more open to the people you've been ignoring? • How could your life be different if you lived more open-handedly? • Read I John 3:16-18. What can we learn or apply from this passage? • This week, how will you be more intentional about opening your hands to others? In a culture obsessed with selfies, celebrities, money, and success, it’s not difficult to understand why so many of us struggle with being a little self-centered at times. But while “me first” may the norm for the rest of the world, Jesus showed us what it looks like to live a generous, compassionate, selfless, “after you” kind of life
• Have you ever failed to notice something obvious? • What's one situation where failing to notice something important could put you or someone else in danger? • Have you ever failed to notice someone else's needs? What happened? • Why is it difficult for you, specifically, to notice others' needs? • In what ways did Jesus notice others' needs and live an "after you" kind of life? • Read Mark 6:37-44. What do you think the rest of this story can teach us about noticing and meetings others' needs? • Why does it matter whether we notice others' needs or not? • What do you think the difference is between not being selfish and being selfless? • Do you think noticing someone else's needs could ever benefit you too? Why or how? • This week, how can you be more intentional about noticing the needs of others? As an ongoing project we are going to create Prayer Flags. These flags will then be collected and we will discuss where they will be sent to. We would like each of the youth to design one flag to start. Use your imagination anything goes but it must be church appropriate. It could be as elaborate or as simple as you like. Beads, sequins, glitter, embroidery, paint, tie dye…The purpose of the project is to spread a message of hope and encouragement to those who need it most. This will be an ongoing mission for our youth and anyone who would like to join us.
1/ Find peace in the chaos.
Youth group meetings/activities are held once a month and are open to middle and high school students. Signed permission forms are required to attend all youth events.
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