The side walls of the auditorium are designed on the clerestory plan. The massive columns along each side aisle support the exterior walls immediately above the low story, which form the side aisles. In these upper walls are located eight large windows, one window in each bay. These windows, together with the smaller windows along the side aisles, will provide ample light and ventilation to the auditorium.
Upon entering the auditorium, one is met by a rare combination of color and design. Art glass windows of imported antique glass are set in solid carved stone tracery. The windows, with their predominating colors of deep sapphire blue, amber, and red, give a most pleasing warmth of color. The large balcony window has in the central panel the Ascension scene, with a figure of Isaiah in one side panel and a figure of St. Paul in the other. The chancel window has the Resurrection scene, with the Risen Christ in the central panel, Peter and John in one side panel, and the three Marys in the other.
The clerestory windows to the right, upon entering the church, have exquisitely executed medallions representing the parables of Jesus, "The Good Samaritan," "The Prodigal Son" "The Sower," "Lazarus at the Rich Man’s Table," "The Good Shepherd," "Jesus at the Door," "The Wise and the Foolish Maidens," and "Hoarding Talents." The clerestory windows to the left have similar medallions representing the miracles of our Lord, "Turning Water into Wine," "Feeding the Multitude," "Raising Jairus’ Daughter," "Large Catch of Fish," "Walking on the Sea," "Touching Jesus' Robe," "Healing the Blind," and "Stilling the Tempest."
There are 24 lower windows in total. The aisle windows also have finely wrought medallions, each representing an event in the life of Christ in chronological order. The windows between the narthex and the main auditorium depict the four Evangelists, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. At each side entrance to the narthex is a window representing a scene in the Acts of the Apostles.
To view a slideshow of the windows click here!
Upon entering the auditorium, one is met by a rare combination of color and design. Art glass windows of imported antique glass are set in solid carved stone tracery. The windows, with their predominating colors of deep sapphire blue, amber, and red, give a most pleasing warmth of color. The large balcony window has in the central panel the Ascension scene, with a figure of Isaiah in one side panel and a figure of St. Paul in the other. The chancel window has the Resurrection scene, with the Risen Christ in the central panel, Peter and John in one side panel, and the three Marys in the other.
The clerestory windows to the right, upon entering the church, have exquisitely executed medallions representing the parables of Jesus, "The Good Samaritan," "The Prodigal Son" "The Sower," "Lazarus at the Rich Man’s Table," "The Good Shepherd," "Jesus at the Door," "The Wise and the Foolish Maidens," and "Hoarding Talents." The clerestory windows to the left have similar medallions representing the miracles of our Lord, "Turning Water into Wine," "Feeding the Multitude," "Raising Jairus’ Daughter," "Large Catch of Fish," "Walking on the Sea," "Touching Jesus' Robe," "Healing the Blind," and "Stilling the Tempest."
There are 24 lower windows in total. The aisle windows also have finely wrought medallions, each representing an event in the life of Christ in chronological order. The windows between the narthex and the main auditorium depict the four Evangelists, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. At each side entrance to the narthex is a window representing a scene in the Acts of the Apostles.
To view a slideshow of the windows click here!

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