All organizations of the church are under the jurisdiction of the session. They may be mandated organizations, such as session and deacons, fellowship such as Presbyterian Women, or provide a service to the congregation such as adult choir. We are interested in creating organizations or small groups that help us live out our mission to increase discipleship in God’s kingdom.
Session is the governing body of the local congregation. The session consists of active elders and the pastor, all elected by the congregation. Elders are ordained to office for life and are installed for a period of service of 3 years. Together the pastor and elders provide for the worship, nurture, education and service of the congregation.
The board of deacons is responsible for ministry to those who are in need, to the sick, to the friendless, and to any who may be in distress both within and beyond the community of faith. Deacons are elected by the congregation and are ordained to office for life. Deacons serve active terms of 3 years.
Presbyterian Women
Session is the governing body of the local congregation. The session consists of active elders and the pastor, all elected by the congregation. Elders are ordained to office for life and are installed for a period of service of 3 years. Together the pastor and elders provide for the worship, nurture, education and service of the congregation.
The board of deacons is responsible for ministry to those who are in need, to the sick, to the friendless, and to any who may be in distress both within and beyond the community of faith. Deacons are elected by the congregation and are ordained to office for life. Deacons serve active terms of 3 years.
Presbyterian Women