The committees at First Presbyterian Church deserve most of the credit for the incredible work of ministry taking place every day. Want to know more? Read on to find further information about our committees, listed below in alphabetical order.
To care for the church property. Supervise the care, maintenance and improvement of church facilities, grounds (including the manse) and equipment, and prepare recommendations to the Session for the purchase of essential supplies, equipment and services. Approve outside requests for use of the church facilities. Develop long range plans and “wish-lists” for the general improvement and enhancement of the church physical facilities.
To care for the church property. Supervise the care, maintenance and improvement of church facilities, grounds (including the manse) and equipment, and prepare recommendations to the Session for the purchase of essential supplies, equipment and services. Approve outside requests for use of the church facilities. Develop long range plans and “wish-lists” for the general improvement and enhancement of the church physical facilities.
Community Outreach
To seek ways to strengthen our relationship within the congregation as well as to reach out to our visitors, friends and the community by including them in the activities of our congregation. In cooperation with other organizations and agencies within the church and community, plan and/or coordinate fellowship and social events on a regular and/or seasonal basis.
To seek ways to strengthen our relationship within the congregation as well as to reach out to our visitors, friends and the community by including them in the activities of our congregation. In cooperation with other organizations and agencies within the church and community, plan and/or coordinate fellowship and social events on a regular and/or seasonal basis.
Christian Education
To plan and coordinate the Christian Education programs and activities of First Presbyterian Church, including (but not limited to) Sunday School for all ages, Vacation Bible School, the Youth Fellowship. Communicants/Confirmation Class, Children's Church, and any education-related special events.
To oversee church financial matters. To supervise preparation of the annual budget for Session approval and the Congregational annual meeting. In cooperation with the Treasurer (ex-officio member of the committee), maintain appropriate records for the preparation of year-end financial reports and ensure that all auditing standards are set. Provide the Session with monthly financial budget reports, including details of all disbursements and receipts. Supervise, control, evaluate and re-evaluate investments in stocks, bonds, Presbyterian Foundation and other investments. Supervise the receipt and disposition of all designated gifts and memorial funds. Identify the stewardship level in the congregation and recommend approaches for improvement and/or enhancement.
Member Care
To make certain home and hospital visitation and occasional home administration of the Lord’s Supper to sick and/or shut-in members occurs, and to lovingly keep a “watch” out for those members whose attendance has lapsed, seeking to ascertain reasons and causes. Also, to seek to assimilate new members and/or visitors into the “mainstream” of the church.
To enhance congregational awareness of the work of ministry at home and abroad, both PC (USA) General Mission projects and those not related to the denomination (e.g. the Romanian Orphanage Project; Gideons, Int’l, etc.), to organize separate mission appeals and special mission offerings, to make recommendations to the Session regarding General Mission expenditures/pledges (in consultation with the Financial Stewardship Committee), and seek to set guidelines and/or standards in evaluating mission projects and causes for support by the church.
To plan and coordinate the Christian Education programs and activities of First Presbyterian Church, including (but not limited to) Sunday School for all ages, Vacation Bible School, the Youth Fellowship. Communicants/Confirmation Class, Children's Church, and any education-related special events.
To oversee church financial matters. To supervise preparation of the annual budget for Session approval and the Congregational annual meeting. In cooperation with the Treasurer (ex-officio member of the committee), maintain appropriate records for the preparation of year-end financial reports and ensure that all auditing standards are set. Provide the Session with monthly financial budget reports, including details of all disbursements and receipts. Supervise, control, evaluate and re-evaluate investments in stocks, bonds, Presbyterian Foundation and other investments. Supervise the receipt and disposition of all designated gifts and memorial funds. Identify the stewardship level in the congregation and recommend approaches for improvement and/or enhancement.
Member Care
To make certain home and hospital visitation and occasional home administration of the Lord’s Supper to sick and/or shut-in members occurs, and to lovingly keep a “watch” out for those members whose attendance has lapsed, seeking to ascertain reasons and causes. Also, to seek to assimilate new members and/or visitors into the “mainstream” of the church.
To enhance congregational awareness of the work of ministry at home and abroad, both PC (USA) General Mission projects and those not related to the denomination (e.g. the Romanian Orphanage Project; Gideons, Int’l, etc.), to organize separate mission appeals and special mission offerings, to make recommendations to the Session regarding General Mission expenditures/pledges (in consultation with the Financial Stewardship Committee), and seek to set guidelines and/or standards in evaluating mission projects and causes for support by the church.
Takes responsibility for planning and coordination of all worship services of the church. Coordinates the scheduling of special music, pulpit supply and special worship programs/speakers. Approves all uses of the church sanctuary, schedules/arranges the Sacraments of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper, coordinates the scheduling of Ushers and Greeters, appoints an assisting Elder for each Sunday morning worship service, coordinates the scheduling of responsible adults for the Infant Nursery, arranges for the provision of attendance pads and pencils, and sees to it that the accoutrements of the sanctuary and narthex are in good condition and seasonal arrangement. In consultation with the Pastor, makes recommendations to the Session for changes, improvements and/or enhancements in the order of Sunday morning worship.
Takes responsibility for planning and coordination of all worship services of the church. Coordinates the scheduling of special music, pulpit supply and special worship programs/speakers. Approves all uses of the church sanctuary, schedules/arranges the Sacraments of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper, coordinates the scheduling of Ushers and Greeters, appoints an assisting Elder for each Sunday morning worship service, coordinates the scheduling of responsible adults for the Infant Nursery, arranges for the provision of attendance pads and pencils, and sees to it that the accoutrements of the sanctuary and narthex are in good condition and seasonal arrangement. In consultation with the Pastor, makes recommendations to the Session for changes, improvements and/or enhancements in the order of Sunday morning worship.